Learning English
This section is to provide information about different courses, and resources to help you and your family learn English.

It is important to support you (adults and children) to learn or improve your English language.
Living with a host family will of course help this enormously but access to informal and formal learning, and qualifications will also be critical to help you settle into your new accommodation or school and help you to find work.
Free online independent learning
Depending on your current circumstances, you may want to try and access some of the online resources while waiting for your Visas to be processed. You will be able to carry on with them once you are here in Tunbridge Wells.
There are many free online resources available to support learning English. The ones below are recommended by a qualified ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) teacher with experience of supporting students learning English as a foreign language.
The British Council
The British Council has resources available for adults, teenagers, and children.
There are classes you have to pay for but the website also has a lot of free resources that can be used for self learning without a tutor. We have someone willing to help you understand the site if you are finding it difficult to understand.
Other useful resources suitable for adults and teenagers
- 90 Second English - these are great YouTube clips from the BBC to help with English grammar
- BBC Teach - The BBC has a Teach section which provides free videos and downloadable worksheets for the English language
- BBC Learning English - this website has sections for students and your host might also find it helpful in supporting your English
- BBC English My Way - English my way self-study course
- Simple English - This site hosts free videos and courses to help learn both American and British English
The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation, an impartial and independent public broadcasting service.
A YouTube channel called "English With Ukrainians" has been made available: it's a free resource. Ukrainian translators have translated lessons and discussed linguistic/cultural differences. There are also activities that are suitable for host families to do with Ukrainian guests.
Self help language learning via apps
If you own or have use of a smartphone, you can download the Duolingo or Falou applications through the Apple Store, or Google Play Store, which are good for fast learning every day.
However, it is important to know that these apps have paid for features.
English lessons for children and teens
Children of school age (4-18) will be given extra support at school to learn English. It will be very important for children to practice their English as much as possible at your host's home to build their confidence.
We are hoping there will be places for children at summer holiday programmes to allow them to keep practising their English language out of school. Details will be added to the website when they are available.
Let's Talk English
This new group replaces the formal classes held. Instead, the new support group is less formal, and students can come along at any time during the hour that the teachers are available. The teachers will help with homework and provide support with English. If students are not able to arrive for the start time that is fine – they can arrive when they are able to anytime during the session.
Please note the session dates and times as follows:
Thursday 22nd September 4.15-5.15pm
Thursday 29th September- no class
Thursday 6th October and each Thursday from then the teachers will be available from 4.30-5.30pm.
To register, please email: twforukraine@outlook.com
English lessons for adults
If you want to study English formally and gain a qualification you can attend courses at local colleges. These are paid for courses however, students on benefits or low incomes are eligible to attend free of charge.
There are several online ESOL courses now booking through Kent Adult Education
NEW ESOL CLASS - starting on MONDAY 4 JULY 9.30-12.30 at the Amelia. To sign up guests need to go the reception desk this week and book for an initial assessment of their level (which is on Thursday 1.4pm). However anyone who has attended the MONDAY and TUESDAY beginners Conversation and Coffee classes will NOT need to attend an assessment. Letters will be given to those attending our classes for them to hand in as proof of their assessment. They will also need to take with the information about their Universal Credit/BRP or letter from Home Office/National Insurance Number so they they can access the course free of charge.
ESOL Entry-level Intensive Summer Course - starts 20 June
ESOL Level 1 and Level 2 Summer Booster Course - starts 13 July
ESOL Entry 2 Speaking and Listening - starts 22 September
Adult Education at The Amelia in Tunbridge Wells offers a range of English language courses, most of which are free. Visit their website to register your interest.
There are other private tutors around the town offering paid for English lessons.
Structured conversation and coffee classes (free to join)
These classes will be free for you to join. Run by volunteer qualified ESOL or TEFL ( Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers, these 90 minute classes follow the topics set out by the British Council. However, the classes will be flexible to suit your needs and priorities. This flexible and responsive programme will increase your confidence in your everyday use of the English language.
Babies and pre-school children can come along with you to the morning and evening classes where volunteers will be available to provide childcare. This facility is not available at the afternoon venue. All volunteers caring for children will have an enhanced DBS check.
All classes will follow the same topics so that if you can’t make your normal time for one week, you can still attend one of the other classes. Due to numbers we will ask you only to attend one class per week.
Camden Centre, Tunbridge Wells: Adult Intensive English class for Ukrainians with intermediate level starting Wednesday 27th July 9:30-12:30 Wednesdays and Fridays until 31st August.
This course is intensive language skills to get Intermediate English Speakers up to a higher level quickly to enhance their opportunities in employment.
Very limited places - to book a place for assessment email twforukraine@outlook.com and put Intensive English in the subject heading.
Adult Conversation and Coffee Classes update for students who attend on a MONDAY afternoon or TUESDAY morning
The normal class will not run during the summer holidays. Instead, we are offering an opportunity to come along and have a dedicated half hour slot with a volunteer on a topic. The dates for this are:
2,16 and 30 August at Christ Church, High Street in the morning.
There will be no creche facility so children cannot attend this session and we would ask that you plan to share childcare with others to attend a session.
Please do not turn up without booking as we will not have space if you do that . To book a slot please email: twforukraine@outlook.com with subject heading Summer 121 requesting the dates that you would like to attend. We will respond to this to confirm your place.
Other classes:
Thursday 10am to 11.30 am
New class starting 23rd June
Church of Christ, Commercial Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2RR
Creche provided - please pre-book and confirm age of child.
Let's Talk English
Twice weekly conversation class for Teens (aged 12-16 years old)
Every Monday 10am to 11am and Wednesday 11am to 12pm
Victoria Suite, Camden Centre, Royal Victoria Place, TN1 2SW
To register for the twice a week class, please email: twforukraine@outlook.com
One-to-one English language support
If you can’t attend a class, are struggling or require fast track of language skills for a job, you can request one-to-one sessions. These are normally one hour and are based on daily conversations around agreed topics between you and the volunteer. These take place at your host's home or at another agreed venue for one hour per week for as long as you and the volunteer want to meet.
Email twforukraine@outlook.com if you would like to request one to one sessions and we will match you.
How to register for classes
For Conversation and Coffee and Let's Talk English! classes, please register your interest by emailing: twforukraine@outlook.com and let us know which class you want to join.
For one-to-one support, please register your interest by emailing: twforukraine@outlook.com and confirming you want one-to-one support.
Our welcome pack (available in English or Ukrainian) brings together most of the information in this section of the website and can be downloaded for future reference.