CVs & LinkedIn 

This page offers assistance in how to prepare a CV and explains the importance of LinkedIn.


How to prepare a CV to apply for work in the UK:

In the UK a CV is a short document that tells a prospective employer all about you, your experience, qualifications and skills.  

It is the first thing a potential employer is going to see, so it is important that you make a good impression.

Your CV is your personal marketing tool, so use it to promote yourself to an employer. Let prospective employers see what you can offer them and why you stand out above the crowd.

We have some guides here to help you put together your CV, what you should include and how you should set it out. 


We do not use photos on CV’s unlike some parts of Europe. We also do not include a date of birth as this could lead to pre-conceived ideas about ability.

Remember to check your CV thoroughly. Nothing says more about your professionalism and attention to detail than a mistake-free CV.

A well-constructed CV could be the difference between getting an interview or not, so knowing what you should write and how you to lay it all out, is paramount to your success.


  1. Put together a CV based upon the video and the template resources we provide here.

  2. Once you have prepared your CV, send it to Neil Simmons to review and give you feedback. His email address is

  3. Neil and his team produce and send back a completed CV and will also call to fully register you, if they believe we can help or can suggest companies they can apply to.

Some potential employers may ask you to complete an application form instead of a CV.  If this happens, please follow their instruction to do so.

As with the CV, make sure you complete the form carefully to avoid any mistakes and answer all the questions. You may be asked questions about your ethnicity or other personal information. Some employers request this information to help them monitor the diversity of their workforce as part of their commitment to equality and diversity in the UK.

If you are unsure about how to answer any of these questions, please  seek guidance from your host or the team at Jobs for Ukraine, via email with the subject line "JOB ASSISTANCE".


CV writing & checking provided by TN Recruits & ME Recruits:

Download examples CV’s by clicking on the links below: 

Set up your profile on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the social media of the business world. It is a professional networking site that is free to use. 

It is important to get yourself set up on LinkedIn as soon as possible to help you get noticed by potential employers and connect with other professionals. In fact, upon receiving your CV, an employer will often go to your LinkedIn profile to find out more about you.

You can use LinkedIn to research about work you might be interested in and to get advice and support from experienced professionals. You can also find and apply for jobs on there.

How to set up your LinkedIn profile

The National Careers Service website has a step-by-step approach on how to set yourself up on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn also have their own guides which can be found here: How Do I Create a Good LinkedIn Profile? | LinkedIn Help

Similar to your CV, your LinkedIn profile is your chance to showcase your experience to potential employers. It also lets people know that you’re available for work and what you are looking for.

If you need in person assistance with setting up your profile please contact: or Fraser Young | LinkedIn


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